What Is an Example of Pronoun Antecedent Agreement

Pronoun antecedent agreement is an essential grammar rule that ensures our writing is clear, precise, and grammatically correct. This agreement refers to the correct use of pronouns in a sentence, where they must agree in number and gender with their antecedent, i.e., the noun they are replacing.

Let`s consider an example to better understand this rule:

Incorrect: Sally went to the store, and they bought some apples.

In the above sentence, the pronoun “they” does not agree with its antecedent “Sally.” Sally is a singular noun, and “they” is a plural pronoun. This mistake makes the sentence grammatically incorrect and confusing for the reader.

Correct: Sally went to the store and bought some apples.

In the corrected sentence, we replaced “they” with “Sally,” so the sentence now has proper pronoun antecedent agreement. The singular noun “Sally” is now properly replaced by the singular pronoun “she” or “her” in subsequent sentences.

Besides, it`s also important to remember that there are different types of pronouns, such as personal, possessive, demonstrative, and indefinite pronouns, and each of them has its own specific rules for antecedent agreement.

For example, if you are using an indefinite pronoun like “everybody,” “everyone,” or “someone,” they require a singular pronoun as their antecedent, even though they refer to a group of people.

Incorrect: Everyone should bring their books to class.

Correct: Everyone should bring his or her book to class.

In this corrected sentence, we use the singular “his or her” pronoun to agree with the singular noun “everyone.”

In conclusion, pronoun antecedent agreement is a crucial aspect of good writing, and careful attention should be paid to matching pronouns with their antecedents correctly. By following this grammar rule, we can ensure clear, concise, and effective communication in our writing.